A Girl On A Mission


Mykenzie is 14, she’s smart, funny, full of life, enjoys dancing, fantasizing about One Direction, driving her parents crazy, and spending time with her friends. She’s my easy button…so far!

She has always been very serious about her academics. She studies hard, puts schoolwork before everything else, and always does her best. She often over stressed about upcoming assignments, standardized tests…she strives for perfection in all that she does. I have no idea where that comes from? She has even been known to cry and worry because she “failed” a test…she only got 99% not 100%!

She will be going to high school next year, and recently received an invitation to join the program that will prepare her for the college of her choice. She will be required to take honors and AP classes, volunteer, and be a part of a very rigorous academic program. I’m confident she is up to the task and will do great. She’s a girl on a mission, she’s bound for success and wants to be a pediatrician someday 🙂 I’m so proud of her and all of her accomplishments and look forward to her high school journey, watching her blossom into a young, confident woman, and sharing in the ups and downs that life is going to bring over the next few years.


3 thoughts on “A Girl On A Mission

  1. Never had any girls, just three boys, so I have no idea what that’s all about. I now have two granddaughters though, so that should be fun. One is shy and runs to grandma all the time. The other, when asked if she wants grandma, runs to me and sits on my lap for hours. Grandma is jealous, but it’s sure fun. Sounds like you have a fantastic daughter and I wish you all the best.


    1. I’m sure your granddaughters are spoiled-just like they should be 🙂 It’s neat that each of them have gravitated to either you or your bride! My daughter is very close with both of my parents, but definitely goes to them for different things.


  2. That’s awesome! I’m sure she’ll do well, and if not, we get rid of all of her One Direction albums. 🙂


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